{:en}The cost of using paper-based systems to accept payments and send invoices may still work for some companies, but it’s costing them a lot of money.{:}{:es}El costos de usar sistemas basados en papel y enviar facturas aun puede que sirva aun, pero cuesta mas dinero en tiempo y reprocesamiento que invertir en tecnologia. {:}
Business executives believe more companies should use mobile business applications because it’ll help their sales teams.
Invoicing an area that can often be a headache for many companies across multiple industries. The procedure of generating, sending and tracking invoices can be incredibly strenuous and resource intensive. But it doesn’t have to be. With today’s technology, electronic invoicing through sales management applications can streamline the entire process. Here are seven reasons why …
Getting the best out of your team means ensuring that everyone is held accountable for their work.
There are a number of key characteristics that effective sales coaches share.
Consider moving away from traditional sales models to improve outcomes and increase growth.
Leadership should adjust management techniques to fit the requirements of working in the field.