Field Sales Software for Flexible Orders and Invoices
Why would you need a specialized order entry software for your sales reps? The power of cloud-based, online field sales solutions can easily be overlooked in this very tight-knit industry, Outside sales operations are large and complex, and it can be hard to change old ways, but data is power in the modern era – and businesses need every advantage they can get.
The Problem With Old Field Sales Methods
Traditionally, when a salesperson is out in the field they only go to their predetermined customers. This seems inefficient, but one major reason is that showing a new customer your products at the right prices is very difficult. With custom pricing grids and special access to inventory, ensuring there aren’t any snags can truly be hard. If you normally take orders on paper, you can’t go over your whole product catalog with a new prospective client. It would take too long and would be too inefficient. Business evolution and expansion are key to survival in a competitive market. Companies need that competitive edge to stay relevant!
The transparency that comes with sales invoicing software is fantastic for the customer. Buyers see exactly what they’re paying for along with the total price and all of the other sales terms. Consumers really appreciate this transparency and are more likely to have a favorable opinion of you because of it. They don’t want to have to call or email the sales rep or the customer service department of your business to find out the exact sales terms. Transparency and reliability are extremely important in the wholesale business.
Digital Catalog
Having a digital product catalog with different price lists and shipping details makes it easy to get new customers on board. You can quickly go through your different categories of products with them and take their order within minutes. Not only is this extremely efficient, but you look much more professional when utilizing this sort of technology. Looking professional is important because as every salesperson knows, you’re selling success (as well as whatever it is you actually sell). Making the whole process this fast also gives the customer less time to get cold feet and back out of the sale. Having sales invoicing software allows you to quickly and efficiently send the invoice and receive payment on the spot.
Close The Sale!
The ability to take payment and send out invoices on the spot gets into another important point. If you meet someone who is interested in buying your products, but you don’t have the software to make it happen right then and there, then you have to contact the prospective buyer again later about the sale. Contacting someone later to see if they’re still interested in your products can cause a lost sale. That lag time is a great opportunity for a competitor to swoop in and close the sale you’ve worked so hard to set up. There are a myriad of reasons that this sort of transaction will fail, so make the sale while you can! Sales is hard enough without having to continually follow up with prospects.
You need a dedicated solution that works with your existing tools. Field sales is hard enough, and adding additional admin and backend work is the last thing anyone wants. Our simple outside sales app works with many of the leading accounting software programs. Try out inSitu Sales for 14 days for free, and watch what happens when you supercharge your field sales reps.
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